First Sunrise - NZ's most eastern point - Remarkable Imagery

First Sunrise - NZ's most eastern point

First Sunrise - NZ's most eastern point


Getting to East Cape, New Zealand’s most eastern point was a mission. It’s off the beaten track through remote, predominantly Maori Villages and amazing country.

A farmer makes his rolling, grassy seaside paddocks available as a campsite. We were one of only three vehicles this night.

Winnie, our caravan had to be left behind the next morning, as we headed off down the final 10kms of perilous road, hugging crumbling coastal cliffs before climbing 800 steps to the lighthouse.

We arrived to find a group of hardy souls, sitting, facing east, as if in expectation of a revelation.

ABOVE: Blogging regularly from our caravan proved to be difficult at times. The Macbook Pro uses an incredible amount of energy, so photo and film editing had to wait for sufficient power and internet, not always available in remote places. This video documents some of our trip down the eastern side of the North Island.

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