Colours of Spring - Stage 4 - Remarkable Imagery

Colours of Spring - Stage 4

Colours of Spring - Stage 4

Spring in Queenstown and the Wakatipu has to be the most exciting season. As the world awakes from it’s winter sleep, Spring is a celebration of new life. In this series of posts, I have talked about the distinct stages that create a sense of growth, change and evolution. The first signs as daytime temperatures lose some of their bite and nightfall reaches a more reasonable hour are a green fuzz of buds appearing on trees. Then as we start to experience short bursts of tantalizing warmth, the arrival of spring is heralded by a mass of pink. Apples and cherries, especially ornamental varieties, line roads and byways, bare skeletons clothed in rose and white garlands, like so many balloons – decorations for the coming festival of colour.

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